Once you enter the coaching world, it’s so easy to feel overwhelmed.
So much information, training, tools to learn and books to read. Not to mention all the “experts” promising to help you build a six-figure business overnight.
It makes it easy to doubt ourselves, to believe that everyone is more experienced than you, getting more clients than you, getting better results than you.
You know you have so much to bring but you feel like an imposter in your work at times.
If you do, know that you're not alone.
So many coaches I work with feel this way.
What if you decided to
do things differently ?
I’m Marta Abramska - I’m a coach, coach trainer and qualified coach supervisor. I'm passionate about helping you to feel confident in your practice, to do excellent work while unapologetically stepping into who you are as a person and as a coach.
In this FREE mini training, delivered to you via email over 5 days, I share the framework I created for coaches I supervise that will help you:
reduce overwhelm,
stay in your own lane,
focus on what matters
and do excellent coaching work.
It's all about bringing yourself fully to your work, letting your unique strengths shine and choose to grow in areas that matter to you.
Because being a great coach is not about having the biggest bag of models or tools.
The magical ingredient, the one that makes the most difference, is
Will You Take Away:
; The most important ingredients to get right early on in your coaching practice.
; What most masterful coaches have in common.
; How self-doubt and imposter chatter might affect the quality of your coaching.
; Learn to reflect deeper on your work, yet in a very efficient way.
; Common challenges I see when transitioning into coaching from a different career.
; Reflective questions I regularly use to make sure my work with my clients in real, congruent, honest but also aligned with professional standards.
; A deeper understanding of supervision and coaching aspirations that can be achieved through it.
Your Free Unique Session Reflection Sheet
Being able to reflect on yourself and your practice, unpick what happens in your sessions and appreciate the progress you make is at the very heart of being masterful as a coach.
This carefully designed self-reflection sheet will guide you thought this process and help you tame your self-doubt and imposter thoughts at the same time.
Designed to:
R help you appreciate your progress,
R catch your inner critic,
R bring more of your authentic self.
"Is it for me?"
you may ask
a personal note
Let me be honest...
When I set up my coaching practice after a successful career in the City, imposter feelings were my biggest challenge.
But only when I started working as a coach trainer and supervisor I realised how common they were. Yet how often we experience them alone.
My invitation to you is to do this differently.
Rather than give in to comparatists, figure out who you are and what you stand for that makes you unique. Understand and hone your unique style, take your strengths to the next level and be intentional about your growth.
Change your relationship with self-doubt and step into a new, healthy sense of self. One where you know you’re enough, but capable of so much more.
See you in the training!