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Feb 57 min read
Why We Overwork
Explore why we overwork and how to stop. Uncover 8 key drivers, reflect with prompts, and make small changes to regain balance and clarity.

May 31, 20247 min read
3 Steps Towards Better, Kinder Boundaries
In a world where we are constantly asked to do more with less, boundaries are one of the greatest forms of self-care.

May 19, 20206 min read
Why uncertainty can be worse than a guaranteed disaster and how to tame it
We are moving through the phases of the pandemic. The days may blur together, but we made some major shifts. We're past the initial...

Dec 4, 20183 min read
What smoking on planes and our careers have in common?
For decades, smoking on planes was as normal as normal can be. Can you imagine it now? Boarding a 9 hour BA flight from London to New...

Jun 1, 20184 min read
Caveman in the office Part 2: how to work with your body
Part 1 of this series (read it here) talks about the stress response in our body that we inherited from our ancestors. In Part 2 we look...

May 1, 20183 min read
Caveman in the office Part 1: things to know about stress
Our stress response mechanisms have not yet evolved to match what we perceive as a threat today. Learn what happens in your body to...
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